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God intended beauty in sexuality but man has made a mess of it.
70% of Indian boys begin watching porn at the age of 10.- Times of India (2016)
90% of teens and 96% of young adults are either encouraging, accepting, or
neutral when they talk about porn with their friends.- Barna Group (2016)

In 2016, India recorded 106 rapes a day and four out of every ten victims were minors.
-The Quint (2018)
Live in freedom from sexual addictions and help others to break free!

Sexual Brokenness 2020
Sexual Brokenness Seminar
Sexual Brokenness Seminar
Sexual Brokenness Seminar
Sexual Brokenness Seminar
Sexual Brokenness Seminar

WHAT Are We Here For?

You might be even wondering:

  • What's the big deal?

  • Is purity possible in these times?

  • What does GOD desire?

 We hope to get people's lives changed and freed from their bondages.

Who Can Attend

If you are:

  • Struggling

  • Looking for information (Or)

  • Want to help others

Sexual Shame

Never trade temporary pleasure for permanent regret

Dave Willis


​​"Informative, thought provoking & interactive sessions on our call to purity"

"Sessions are filled with content and were about very relevant issues"

"Straight forward bullet shots on porn viewers"

"I came to understand of how I can stay away from pornography"

More videos on Sexual Brokenness

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